Fig.1: A common sight that one may come across during these pandemic-stricken times: people lining up to get their temperature checked using an industrial thermo gun (to be more thoroughly discussed later on) to gain entry into public places after the rule has been passed as one of the health and safety restrictions relating to Covid-19.
As a measure to minimize our chances of contracting the virus, professionals have gathered and discussed ways to keep ourselves safe and healthy.
Wash Your Hands Routinely
Routinely washing our hands properly is one of the (best and most effective) measures we can take to maintain our hygiene and keep ourselves safe from the coronavirus. It is advised that we develop this action into a habit as washing your hands if done in the correct manner, can help kill off pathogens and sanitize our hands. Whenever possible, always make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with clean water and soap or other alcohol-based liquids that possess at least 80% alcohol in the solution.
Maintaining Distance
Maintain a safe distance with other people, especially with people that exhibit symptoms of cough (be it dry or wet) or the common cold and its relatives. Make sure that the attained distance is at least 1 meter. For those who exhibit symptoms of cough and sneeze, make sure that you know the etiquette of coughing and sneezing in public places. In all situations, ALWAYS wear a face mask when you go out.
Usually, the 1-meter distance markers are already plotted by the authorities of some public places but you can try to see what 1-meter is like at home with a measuring tape or ruler to have an estimation/image of what 1-meter is like.
Fig.2: An illustration depicting a probable interaction between co-workers or people in general during the New Normal era: A distance is kept between the two, face masks are visible.
Avoid Touching Your Face
One of the body parts that are the most prone to be a virus hotspot is our hand palms. It is highly advised for one to avoid touching the eyes, mouth, and nose unless completely necessary and even if it's completely necessary, one must always clean their hands with soap or alcohol-based liquids before and after touching the face.
See Your Healthcare Provider Immediately
See your healthcare provider immediately if you show symptoms: fever, cough, breathing difficulties. The Indonesian government has compiled a list of hospitals and other healthcare institutions across Indonesia for those who show symptoms of the coronavirus. Even if you pass the examination and are declared negative, you should still take part in safety/health restrictions, maintain your hygiene, and keep your body to the healthiest/fittest level possible.
Follow News Update
Make sure to always stay updated on information relating to the spreading of the coronavirus and avoid going to places with a high reported number of coronavirus cases. If you don't feel well, it is highly advised that you do not go out as it can be an early sign of a viral infection or other ailments. A lowered immunity level can make you more susceptible to a coronavirus contraction.
Follow Health Guidelines in Public Places
If you do go out, make sure that you obey and follow the guidelines set by the authorities. Remember that this is all for your own good, one way to do so is to obey all the precautions set such as properly obeying the rules set for temperature taking with a thermo gun:
Thermo gun is a form of thermometer that can be used to measure your body temperature without requiring physical contact. It uses the principle of heat conduction through radiation, the radiation energy measured by the thermo gun is then converted to electrical energy which is then displayed as a digital number on the thermo gun.
The way thermo gun works is by "shooting" the gun in the right direction to the subject without any physical contact, the accuracy of a thermo gun is affected by the distance of the thermo gun to the subject, the ideal distance is 12 cm.
Thermo guns are suitable for temperature taking in times like these as they do not require physical contact but do the same job as conventional mercury-based thermometers.
However, we would like to advise you to refrain from going to public places unless completely necessary, don't risk your chances of contracting the coronavirus.
A simple anecdote in Bahasa Indonesia:
"Mirisnya, saat tenaga kesehatan dan pasien covid berjuang mati - matian untuk terbebas dari covid, justru masyarakat berjuang mati - matian untuk membebaskan keinginannya berada di luar rumah"
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